Thursday, July 28, 2011

Top Medical Careers for Women

Medical career is not merely confined to becoming doctors and nurses, it has a broader perspective today, where women are recruited at a large scale in its allied sectors like, medical writing, coding, transcription, technology, etc. Studying medicine is no doubt challenging, but the results that you get after years of labor is absolutely satisfying. Medical careers are honorable and lucrative at the same time. The growth curve of your career ascends with substantial years of experience in the respective field. Women also enjoy dignity and respect in their profession, which is probably more important than money.

Best Medical Careers for Women

Although, doctors have remained in the topmost position, yet other types of health jobs have equally attracted women. However, if you are eager to step into the dynamic environment of a hospital, then you must have a higher degree in medicine. So what are the top medical careers for women? Let's find out.

Someone had once said that a woman can only understand a woman. Probably it's the reason why a woman prefers vising a female gynecologist for discussing her health related issues. The profession of a gynecologist well suits a woman and it's perhaps the best medical job for her. You have to take up the general medical exam to acquire an MBBS degree. After completion of MBBS, you can go for a master's or doctorate degree in gynecology and then you can practice on completion of your course. Obstetrics is also a part of your master's degree course and you will be known as OB/GYN in that case. In such cases, post natal care will also be a part of your job.

The joy and satisfaction a woman receives in treating children cannot be equaled to any other medical career. You will have to undergo specialized medical training in order to supervise the health of children. You should have an MBBS degree and then go for pediatrics study. You have to study child health in detail and specialize in diagnostic and treatment techniques meant for children. Dealing with children and taking care of their health, infuse a sense of accomplishment within women. Apart from all these, you are required to be mentally strong enough to perform surgery on newborn babies and children of all age groups.

Health Advisor
You can become a health adviser if you have studied medicines. Completion of advanced courses in health and nutrition can also make you a health adviser at reputed hospitals or health sectors. It's a stable career and you have to counsel patients and general people for betterment in their health. Such jobs are mostly available at obesity care units, tuberculosis centers, pre and post natal units, cardiac sectors and many more. You have to also keep a record of their health status and guide them accordingly. Salary of health advisers increase considerably after one or two years of experience.

An MBBS degree is all needed to become a physician. However, you must have the practice license with you. Job opportunities of general physicians are high and you can set up your own clinic as well. Your responsibilities include treating people on regular basis by giving administration of correct dosage of medicines. Drug therapy and minor surgeries are also performed by physicians for curing people from general health ailments. You can go for a doctorate degree to add an edge to your skills and qualifications. Practice license is needed for getting a job in nursing homes and hospitals after having experience through internships.

Nursing as a profession is excellent for women. It's one of those best jobs that a woman can think of pursuing, if only she has the inherent desire to help and serve her patients. Nursing careers are versatile and you can take up the nursing exams to become a certified nurse. Pursuing higher studies in nursing always proves advantageous in progress of your career. The responsibilities of a nurse are high and it might be the reason behind recruiting women as nurses at such a large scale. Your designation will depend upon your expertize and so would be your pay.

Allied Services

    * Medical transcriptionist
    * Medical coding
    * Medical writing
    * Hospital manager
    * Chief medical officer

Although deciding the best medical career depends on her personal choice and preference, we have sorted out the medical jobs that are considered to be suitable for a woman. If you are keenly interested in making a career in medicine, then take up studies seriously and start preparing for the medical entrance exams to get a chance in those world class medical schools.

Sterile Processing Technician Salary

Medicine, undoubtedly, has expanded its horizons in the last few decades. Today, the variety of surgical procedures has grown significantly, and so have the medical equipments. The main aim of health care professionals is to provide efficient and economical treatment to their patients, with no compromises being done with their safety. This is where sterile processing comes to play its part. A sterile processing technician disassembles, cleans, assembles, and packages surgical instruments, and later on, supplies them to health care facilities, where they're brought into use for day-to-day operations. Infection prevention and regulation is their key duty, and this makes their job one of the most important jobs in the medical fraternity. The reason being the fact that when it comes to patient safety, the instruments need to be sterilized and infection-free.

Sterile processing technicians are knowledgeable of all processes associated with the inspection, cleaning, assembling, and packaging of surgical equipment, so as to ensure the aseptic supply of material to health care facilities. A job as a sterile processing technician can help you lay a foundation to an interesting career, where you meet new patients everyday in the most reputable medical institutions of the world. Well, that does reflect in the impressive sterile processing technician salary figures. The following section tells exactly how much does a sterile processing technician make. Let's take a look.

Average Salary of Sterile Processing Technicians

Given that sterile processing is a field of medicine, growth and development in this area are ever-growing, and job opportunities are going to increase significantly in the next few years. The job profile requires technicians to be detail-oriented and careful, and as a result, the salary is highly driven by the performance, the workplace, the geographical region, and most importantly, the number of years of relevant work experience. The average annual salary of sterile processing technicians in the United States of America is between $23,000 - $46,000, depending upon the geographical region that a technician chooses to work in, and the experience they hold. The following tabular data represents the annual average sterile processing technician salary in all major states of the US. Take a look, and select your area of work accordingly.

    * Alabama - $25,000
    * Arizona - $27,000
    * Alaska - $33,000
    * Arkansas - $23,000
    * Colorado - $31,000
    * California - $33,000
    * Connecticut - $35,000
    * Delaware - $31,000
    * District of Columbia - $46,000
    * Florida - $27,000
    * Georgia - $28,000
    * Hawaii - $29,000
    * Idaho - $26,000
    * Illinois - $31,000
    * Indiana - $26,000
    * Iowa - $25,000
    * Kansas - $26,000
    * Kentucky - $25,000
    * Louisiana - $25,000
    * Maine - $26,000
    * Massachusetts - $36,000
    * Michigan - $31,000


    * Minnesota - $31,000
    * Mississippi - $23,000
    * Missouri - $27,000
    * Montana - $24,000
    * Nebraska - $26,000
    * Nevada - $27,000
    * New Jersey - $34,000
    * New Mexico - $26,000
    * New York - $34,000
    * North Carolina - $27,000
    * Ohio - $30,000
    * Oklahoma - $25,000
    * Oregon - $34,000
    * Pennsylvania - $28,000
    * South Carolina - $25,000
    * South Dakota - $23,000
    * Tennessee - $26,000
    * Texas - $27,000
    * Utah - $27,000
    * Virginia - $31,000
    * Washington - $32,000
    * Wisconsin - $28,000

Note: The above mentioned salaries are approximate and may be subject to change.

Undoubtedly, the salary figures might have instigated you to grab a path to this career at the quickest. However, the educational qualifications are worth a concern before you decide to become a sterile processing technician. To become one, the minimum requirement is a high school diploma, and a sterile processing training program, where you will get acquainted with sterilization techniques, and patient safety. Along with the training program, one needs to be knowledgeable of the basic medical terminology as well as all surgical instruments and their uses in daily operations. All these requisites make up for your first step to become a sterile processing technician in a reputable medical institution, along with taking a hefty salary back home.